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Clear debt - sell house fast, Below Market Rent Back Option
Lower monthly outgoings, and receive a lump cash sum by selling your home
If you have considerable debt and don’t know where to go help is at hand. At AC Investments we enable you to sell your house fast to clear your debt. In the past couple of years consumer debt has spiralled due to low interest rates and great credit card deals. As rates gradually rise, many are now beginning to feel the strain and are becoming overstretched financially. It usually only takes 1 missed payment to tip your financial circumstances over the edge.
Nobody wants to be forced to sell their house, but when debts continue to mount many people are left with very little options. Luckily because the housing market have risen over the past couple of years, it is possible to sell your house fast and free up the equity trapped in your home and use it to both pay off debt, and also gain a lump sum of money for you to enjoy, without having to worry about paying it back because it’s yours!
By selling your house fast you can clear your debts and move on with your life without the burden of those dreaded monthly payments that seem to just keep you in debt.
Many people prefer to sell their house, but stay in it. We offer a sell and rent back scheme where you can have the best of both worlds. Cash in your pocket, and also staying in your home, at an affordable rent. Becoming debt free is one of the best feelings when you feel the weight lifted off your shoulders.
AC Investments specialises in helping people sell their home fast, we can buy your home from you and complete the sale within 4 weeks if required. We do not charge for valuations, unlike many larger property buying companies, and because we are a private business we offer a very personal service that is catered to your needs. We have helped literally hundreds of people clear their debt by achieving a fast house sale, many are still our tenants and will continue to be for the long term.
Contact Us - If you want a quick property sale

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